Jan 29, 2023

:: word gathering ~ to inspire ::

" There is a vitality, a life force, an energy,

a quickening that is translated through you into action,

and because there is only one of you in all of time,

this expression is unique.

And if you block it,

it will never exist through any other medium

& it will be lost."

{Martha Graham}

Here we are nearing the end of January. I'll be honest, it's been a challenging month for me. I haven't felt much in the way of creativity, finding it challenging to even pick up my camera most days. I'm certainly in the hibernation mode of my life right now. While it feels frustrating and often discouraging, deep down I understand and respect that these seasons come and go in my life and the less I fight it the better off I will be. It's not always easy to accept, I try my best.

While perusing my vast word collection, I came across a gathering of words from Darling magazine. It should come as no surprise that when I'm feeling the doldrums settle in, I always reach for my binders brimming with words. These lines harbingers of that vitality and life force that never fail to inspire and set me on my course yet once again (with time & patience). I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

~ wandering with purpose, excited, free, expectant

~ in the viridian forests of her feelings

~ there is wonder, mysteriously waiting to be found, explored, enlightened

~ she will seek a higher ground, immerse herself in the divine, to finally feel her truest self

~ of radiance to guide her to the life she has always envisioned

~ captivated by all that is promising

~ she finds her spirit in flight on her own journey

~ soaring toward all that matters

~ it is in her sanctuary that she allows art to flow from her fingertips

~ she falls deep into discovery

~ she finds her passion in the secrecy which has been hiding within her

~ she pours herself into what she loves

~ echoes in her heart with content for the joys of her home

~ searching with passion for that which captures all senses

~ longing to rediscover the world

~ she will linger in silence

~ she will reevaluate, reinvent, and relive all her anticipated moments

~ find rest in the questions she has been asking her whole life

~ exquisite masterpiece of light

~ she decided who she is to herself & the world

~ evoke passion with each syllable that makes her feel whole

~ it is her love language which will illuminate the skies

~ her whisper roars like thunder

~ she paints light in the windows of the world

~ she is the keeper of stillness

~ illuminate her clarity and her highest self

~ to enhance all we have yet to be

~ in this world, she seeks to grow and blossom into being

~ she will find revolutions in serenity, movements in silent interludes

~ quietly drawn to the spaces which fill her heart

{words gathered from Darling magazine}
