May 13, 2022:: a charm of stillness :: " A charm of stillness in which something gathers..." Between the pages a silence gathers. The world finds pause, the ticking of the...
May 11, 2022:: word gathering ~ on beauty ::" For the beauty of the world, and for its deep pull, for the mystery of it, & it's timing, for it's deep, deep knowing." {Once there...
May 9, 2022:: life, lately... ::" It was a splendid morning; and I went out to enjoy it, in a quiet ramble in my own company with my own blissful thoughts. The dew was...
May 7, 2022:: the capacity for delight :: " The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention." ...
May 6, 2022:: to go aside, to become still ::" A quiet movement : the reaction against the breathless pace of our computer-driven world... a more meditative, involved approach to our...
Apr 28, 2022:: word gathering ~ stillness :: " Let silence take you to the core of life " {Rumi} Hello, dear readers, I've been happily absorbed in organizing my extensive word...