" She stared. Such beauty; and she there to see it.
Such beauty; and she alive to feel it.
Her face was bathed in light.
Lovely scents came up to the window and caressed her.
A tiny breeze gently lifted her hair.
Far out in the bay a cluster of almost motionless fishing boats
hovered like a flock of white birds on a tranquil sea.
How beautiful, how beautiful...
to have been allowed to see, breathe, feel this...
Poor ordinary, everyday word.
But what could one say, how could one describe it?
It was a though she could hardly stay inside herself,
it was as though she were too small to hold such joy,
it was as though she were washed with light.
And how astonishing to feel this sheer bliss."
{The Enchanted April}
Dear June,
you bestowed your brilliance
each and every day.
I walked, enchanted...
mesmerized by your
The play of light and shadow
color and softness
blossoms abundant.
Has there ever been a June
so lovely?
These thoughts I have
as I walk each morning,
savoring and appreciating
the warmth and witnessing
of the world waking.
What a gift...
how astonishing to feel this sheer bliss.