Sep 24, 2021:: hello, autumn ::" And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and autumn was awakened." {Raquel Franco} With the arrival of...
Sep 1, 2021:: August days... ::" ... she experienced each year this lifting of the spirits as August slipped away, off the calendar, and one could stop pretending that...
Jul 25, 2021:: spin afresh, design anew ::" That need to set down words - what I see, so - but words, words mostly - words have been all my life - this need is like the spider's...
Jul 22, 2021:: July 22 ::" If I were a perfect person, I would be bowing continually. I'm not, though I pause whenever I feel this holiness. Which is why I'm so...
Jun 26, 2021:: to feel such beauty... ::" She stared. Such beauty; and she there to see it. Such beauty; and she alive to feel it. ...How beautiful, how have been...
Apr 17, 2021:: new beginnings :: Hello there, how are you? I hope with the arrival of the blossoms, bees and sunshine you are doing well. My goodness, has it been over a...