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:: word gathering ~ heart & soul ::

" She is constant in all things.

She is a fixed star,

a true made bow."


~ heavenly bliss

~ fringed with joy

~ into the very heart of being

~ seriously, softly, absorbedly

~ abstract, absorbed, silent

~ making the world reflect the compass of the soul

~ illume & steady in her own mind

~ to be wholly taken by one great longing

~ so completely rested, so perfectly content

~ the simple happiness of complete harmony with her surroundings

~ exquisite attentiveness

~ you don't try to be, or simply are

~ aching with love & longing

~ she drew in a deep breath of pleasure

~ revive the soul, make mere existence bliss

~ balm to the heart

~ of the lovely & the sublime

~ solemn devotion

~ with a light grace & gaiety of heart

~ with such sublime emotion

~ habit had nourished her heart

~ in the joy of these moments

~ the bubbling of her inner mood

~ poetic enjoyment of the moment

~ her heart was a fountain of tender illusions

~ the transiency of exquisite moments

~ she was the centre of a little illumination of her own

~ to seize on wonder

~ give wings to all her hopes

~ to the height of her own passion

~ a new hope had stirred in her

~ quickened intelligence of the heart

~ interwoven with her deepest life

~ treading the buoyant ether which emanates from the high moments in life

~ she felt an intense longing to prolong, to perpetuate the momentary exaltation

of her spirit

~ the very depths of your soul

~ full of quiet joy

~ I am daze, I am dazzle with so much light

~ with my whole heart in the moment

~ the inner illumination of life

~ in perfect contentment

~ the enchanted days of happiness

~ a self contented reverie

~ her heart burst into a flurry of beating

~ with an air of divine delight

~ a surge of joy to her own heart

~ to live in pleasure & delight

~ of infinite tenderness

~ possibility fired a small, bright buzz in her chest

~ yearning & wistful

~ a moment of blissful surrender

~ swell & bloom

~ easy grace & gentle ways

~ a constant unfolding to new life

~ seeping into her spirit

~ a warm rush of happiness flowed over me

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